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Ben Mercer has been seconded to the Trust one day per week to coordinate SEND across our schools. Ben can be contacted here -


A culture of inclusion

Inclusion is central to the Catholic ethos, and we firmly believe in the promotion of an inclusive environment where all students are encouraged to thrive and achieve their full potential.

Regardless of their background or situation, teachers in OHLoC schools hold high standards for every student and aim to instil in them the belief that they can break through any ambitious barriers. While our SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disability) students may face additional challenges, they are supported by our staff who understand that their needs should not hinder their progress.


OLHoC schools follow the current Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2015) and uses the same definition of special educational needs; ‘Students have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty that calls for special educational provision to be made for them.’

We also believe that provision for students with special educational needs is the responsibility of the whole school and that all teachers are teachers of students with special educational needs.


The following graphs show the percentage of students across our secondary and primary schools with an EHCP or on SEN Support compared to the national average. 

We have a high number of students with SEND across the Trust due to our outstanding reputation and the excellent provision that we offer.






SEND Advice

Four Broad Areas of Need

In the SEND Code of Practice, there are four broad areas of special educational needs, that should be identified and focused on within educational settings.

These are:

  1. Communication and Interaction
  2. Cognition and Learning
  3. Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties
  4. Physical and/or Sensory Needs


With regard to these categories, the Code states that "Many children and young people have difficulties that fit clearly into one of these areas; some have needs that span two or more areas; for others the precise nature of their need may not be clear at the outset."


Communication and Interaction

Communication and Interaction can encompass a lot of needs and issues that a child may have, including Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC). Some communication and interaction issues that can present themselves in Autistic children include:

  • Difficulties understanding and using verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Understanding social behaviours and expectations, which can impact on a child's ability to interact with other children and adults around them.
  • A reliance on structure and routine in their life.


As well as ASC, Communication and Interaction can also include Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN).

Children and young people can experience a range of difficulties that are linked with speech and language.

Speech, Language and Communication Needs can present themselves in a variety of ways, including:

  • The production of speech.
  • Struggling with finding the right word, or not being able to join words together in a meaningful way.
  • Problems communicating through speech, for example difficulties finding the correct language to express thoughts and ideas that they are having.
  • Difficulties and delays in understanding or responding to verbal cues from others.
  • Understanding and using language in specific social situations.


Links for Support


National Autistic Society

PDA Society

NHS – Autism


Speech and Language

Speech and Language UK


I Can


Cognition and Learning

Cognition and learning can cover a range of needs. Children are identified as having cognition and learning needs if they have difficulties with literacy and numeracy (which therefore impacts their ability to access learning across the curriculum), or if their levels of attainment are significantly below age-related expectations.

Some pupils with cognition and learning needs may have a Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD) Some examples of specific learning difficulties are:



Pupils with dyscalculia have difficulty in acquiring maths-based skills. This can be especially clear if a pupil performs well in all other subjects. Children with dyscalculia can struggle with spotting patterns and making estimates.



Dysgraphia is a specific learning difficulty that can affect a child's ability to express themselves through writing. Dysgraphia affects fine motor skills. This means that it is often the case that children with dysgraphia can express themselves orally fluently but struggle when writing.



Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty that affects the way that someone processes information. This makes skills like spelling and reading difficult and can affect organisational skills and memory.



Dyspraxia is also known as developmental coordination disorder (DCD). For children with dyspraxia fine and gross motor skills can be difficult to learn. This means that they can show signs of clumsiness and struggle with organisation skills.

Pupils with dyspraxia may also have poor balance, coordination, and spatial awareness, and may try and avoid certain actions like running, skipping, and hopping.

Other children identified as having Cognition and Learning Needs may have more general learning difficulties or disabilities. These are known as global difficulties and include moderate learning difficulties (MLD), severe learning difficulties (SLD), and profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD).


Moderate Learning Difficulty (MLD)

Children with MLD may have greater difficulty in basic literacy and numeracy. They may also have speech and language issues. Pupils with MLD are likely to need additional support outside of the National Curriculum.

The effects of having an MLD can also lead to children having lower self-esteem, lower levels of concentration, and under-developed social skills, so it is important that adults watch out for the well-being of pupils as well as their academic achievements.


Severe Learning Difficulty (SLD)

Children with severe learning difficulties are likely to need substantial support in all areas of the curriculum.

Most children with SLD have other needs such as physical, sensory, communication, and interaction needs and social and emotional needs, as well as their cognition and learning needs.


Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty (PMLD)

Children with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties have more than one disability, the most significant of which is a profound learning disability.

Having a profound learning disability and other disabilities significantly affects an individual's ability to communicate and be independent.

Children with PMLD may have difficulties seeing, hearing, speaking, and moving. It is likely that they will have needs in all four areas.


Links for support



British Dyslexia Association

Dyslexia Association

Dyslexia Action



Dyscalculia Association

National Numeracy



Dyspraxia Foundation

Dyspraxia UK


Social Emotional and Mental Health

Children with Social, Emotional, and Mental Emotional Health difficulties can display signs of this in a variety of different ways, some may be withdrawn and prefer to be alone, whilst others may be hyperactive and find it difficult to when concentrating on tasks.

For some children, their emotional needs may impact their learning. For example, they may not be able to follow requests such as to sit still with arms folded or stay quiet during lessons. It is important that children with SEMH needs are able to learn in an environment that suits them, for example, they may need to take regular movement breaks, use fidget items, and be given opportunities to move around the classroom or school whilst learning.

Children with SEMH needs may have anxiety. This may be reduced by providing clear routines and explanations of what to expect each day. Children with anxiety may also benefit from being provided with a calm space to go to whenever they need it.


Links for support



Just Drop In


Young Minds



NSPCC – Self Harm

NHS – Self Injury




ADHD Foundation



Sensory and Physical

Some examples of sensory and physical needs include:

Hearing Impairments:

In educational settings, pupils are typically considered to have a Hearing Impairment if they require hearing aids or adaptions to their learning environment in order to access the National Curriculum.

Visual Impairment:

In general, a Visual Impairment is defined as an eyesight problem that cannot be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery.

In educational settings there a few different terms that may be used including partially sighted, low vision, legally blind, and totally blind to describe the level of sight a student has and help determine the adaptations that they may benefit from.


Sensory Processing Difficulties:

Children with sensory processing difficulties may be sensory avoiders or sensory seekers. This can result in them avoiding certain experiences or becoming anxious or overwhelmed by sensory input. It can also cause children to seek out sensory input, for example by making repeated movements, chewing items or fiddling. Sensory processing issues are particularly common amongst Autistic pupils, and providing a learning environment that meets these needs will enable pupils to learn more easily and improve wellbeing.


Links for support



Sensory differences

Making sense of sensory behaviour

Sensory Processing Disorder


Hearing Impairment

Royal National Institute of Deaf People

National Deaf Children’s Society

Royal Association of Deaf People

NHS – Hearing Loss

Action Deafness

National Deaf Children’s Society


Visual Impairment

Royal National Institute of Blind People

NHS – Vision Loss




Mobility Issues

Whizz Kids



Independent Options


SEND Abbreviations


ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder

CAMHS: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

CEAT: Cheshire East Autism Team

EHC: Education, Health & Care

EHCP: Education, Health & Care Plan

EP: Educational Psychologist

EWO: Education Welfare Officer

HI: Hearing Impairment

ILP: Individual Learning Plan

LA: Local Authority

MLD: Moderate Learning Difficulty

MSI: Multi-Sensory Impairment

OT: Occupational Therapy/Therapist

PD: Physical Disability

PMLD: Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties

PR: Parental Responsibility

PT: Physiotherapy/Physiotherapist

SALT/SLT: Speech & Language Therapy/Therapist

SEN: Special Educational Needs

SEND Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

SENDCo: Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator

SLCN: Speech, Language & Communication Needs

SLD: Severe Learning Difficulties

SpLD: Specific Learning Difficulties

TA: Teaching Assistant

WS: Withdrawn Support

VI: Visual Impairment